Sunday, July 30, 2006

Questions and Answers:


From Jared M. - "Holy Moly, this could not have come at a better time, wow, wow, wow, COUNT ME IN GUYS!

This speaks to me moreso than BFL ever did, as I am so at a point where I am so ready to take my body, business and life to the next level, and this e-mail hits my inbox, so frigging cool!!

No Coincidences Right Joe! ;)

I have read over the forms, however it is late and I am stilll a lil confused as to what I need to do to start August 1st? Do I send in the form to get going and then send in the Body Transformation part every 12 weeks and then only ONE Business transformation story at the end of the year long contest for that portion?

Thanks guys and looking forward!


Jared M.

PS Remember this name, I am focused on the prize...."

(From Scott)

Hi, Jared.

I love your enthusiasm and wouldn't be surprised at all if we named you the GRAND CHAMPION!

To get started with the body transformation portion of the Challenge. Choose which round (there are a total of 4 rounds for the body transformation) according to the Round Dates found at :

1) Take a before picture of yourself. Use something for verification such as a newspaper - hold the newspaper up, with the date clearly visible.

2) Make sure that you have your Doctor's permission to begin a fitness program before beginning the 12 week body transformation.

Here are some tips to get you started for the body transformation (more tips will be added to the blog at

- Drink 8 -10 glasses of water a day (minimum). Water keeps your body hydrated and helps to flush out toxins and chemicals that cause you to retain water. Water will also keep you feeling somewhat full so that you have an easier time sticking to a healthy diet.

- Perform 20 -30 minutes of "brisk" cardiovascular exercise 4-5 days each week. My personal preference is interval style training (a combination of walking/jogging) first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

- Perform strength training 3-4 days each week. Examples include: lifting weights at the gym or at home, fullbody exercises (we cover these in the DVD of the month) such as military type calisthenics, join a "cardio strength" class at your local YMCA, join an outdoor boot camp class (look at and your city to find local exercise classes), take a weight training class at your local college or community college, etc and so on.

- Follow a healthy diet. Eat natural foods including egg whites, lean steak, chicken, fish, protein powders, vegetables, salads, healthy fats (avocado, nuts, olive oil), oatmeal, brown rice, sweet potatoes, and many other choices. Take a multivitamin/mineral - ask your doctor about this.

Follow our continuing tips on the monthly DVD ( It will be chock full of diet, exercise and mental strategies to blow your way through the 12 weeks. There will also be lots of marketing tips from Dr. Vitale on the DVD's.

2) At the end of the 12 weeks take an after picture of yourself. Again, use something for verification - hold up a newspaper so that the date can be verified.

You only have to do the 12 week body transformation once. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can do the 12 week body transformation more than once as long as you start and stop in accordance with the start/stop dates that are found within the "Round Dates" page at

Send in the body transformation portion of the entry kit within 15 days of completion(as per the directions found in the rules and regulations at to:

Scott York
P.O. Box 5084
Jonestown, Tx

3) The business portion of the challenge lasts for almost a full year see Round Dates and Rules and Regulations at for all of the details.


Scott (and Joe)

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