Friday, September 29, 2006

"As you say - Action is the key - it's certainly not knowledge.

Sure, it's great to seek enlightenment through knowledge, but there area lot of people who sit around with a fat head (and body) and an empty wallet. - Damn, that's a good quote. I think I just made it up too.

By the way - I just checked my online store stats: Since beginning the YBBC in August, my September sales were up 86% from August! very significant - these are recurring revenues for subcribing customers.

And, I"m working on some other big stuff which should grow all my business activities even more in the coming months!

Thanks for the challenge - This could be one of the best things that I've ever decided to participate in!"


Thursday, September 28, 2006

How Can You and Dr. Vitale Team Up And Dominate Your Niche?

I just released DVD #2 of DVD of the month to the subscribers.

If you have been considering entering the Body and Business Challenge at – NOW is the time to take action.

Round 2 starts on November 1st 2006. A little over 30 days away.

Ultimately, someone is going to win $150,000 worth of Dr. Vitale’s services, appear on an episode of and have a life changing experience!

NOW is the time to subscribe, show your commitment and, as I like to say to my fitness clients – “take control”.

Here’s why.

As I edited the footage, which takes place just a few months ago at Dr. Vitale’s home gym in Wimberley, Texas, I began to grin.

Then I began to smile.

Then I stopped editing the footage and just watched.

There is some powerful and amazing information on these DVD’s.

Life changing information.

Often, as I’m filming Dr. Vitale, I miss things that he says because I’m operating the
video camera and I’m directing his workout.

I don’t have the opportunity to let the information sink in.

But when I start watching the footage at home, it hits me.

I get excited because all of these marketing ideas hit me right square between the eyes!

As a result of working with Dr. Vitale, I am literally taking my own business to the next level – day by day, week by week.

I am “re-framing”, as Bruce Barton says, my industry (fitness) at a grass roots level with some major players in the fitness industry.

We’re doing things that have never been done before!

Bruce Barton is “America’s Forgotten Genius” who Dr. Vitale writes about in the book “The Seven Lost Secrets of Success”

It’s one of my absolute favorite books ever.

I cannot say enough about this book.

For those that take action and subscribe to the DVD of the month at, Dr. Vitale will include, as a bonus, his eBook on none other than Bruce Barton – a $30.00 value!

Here’s what one person had to say about this book:

“Joe dedicated 2 years of his life to studying the fascinating Barton, a legend in his own time, but an enigmatic mystery in ours.
I personally took one idea from this book and used it as a marketing strategy that has produced the best results for my business I have ever seen.
John Naisbitt, in his book "Megatrends" predicted that the more we become high-tech the more we long for high touch. Joe has brought back the magic of the high touch "Secrets of Success."
If you want to be successful, really successful, then you just have to read this book.”
- Rick Butts

This bonus eBook is for those that subscribe now.

Since I began working with Dr. Vitale, I’ve had a flood of emails from folks who want information about my relationship with Joe as well as some examples of how Dr. Vitale has helped me with my own business.

OK. Fair enough. I’ll spill the beans.

Since I have begun working with Dr. Vitale, I have started projects with:

Adela Garcia ( - Are you kidding me? Adela is the top Fitness Athlete/Model in the world! Adela won Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 2006 Miss Fitness International (

“Adela Garcia has become a household name in fitness events at the highest level.”

Adela has a HUGE fan base worldwide and they want information (videos, eBooks, online training, seminars, etc.) from her and guess what? Adela and I have teamed up and we’re going to give it to them! The health and fitness industry is a billion dollar a year market and who better to give fitness advice than Adela Garcia?!

Monica Brant ( - Am I dreaming? Monica Brant?

“There is no more recognizable personality in the fitness/figure industry where she has appeared on well over 100 magazine covers worldwide.”

Next time you’re in the grocery store or bookstore, look in the fitness magazine section and chances are you will see Monica on one or more fitness magazine covers.

Monica and I have much to do regarding information products with her worldwide audience. Matter of fact, Monica is filming in Las Vegas right now at the Olympia, the largest professional body building and fitness competition in the world ( for a project that we are working on together!

Of course there’s also Pro Body Builder Lee Priest (

For those that don’t know, Lee is the most popular male bodybuilder in the world.

Lee has readily agreed to another year of our DVD of the month series ( due to the success of our first season and because of the overwhelming positive feedback that his fans have given him.

Just last week I had one of the world’s largest fitness internet video distributors pay us to carry these videos! (

How’s that for massive exposure?

Another example of recent success that I’ve had as a result of working and learning from Dr. Vitale is with my fitness business.

My personal training business is growing – in fact; I have to turn people away due to the success of my fitness boot camps.

We had 30 people sign up in one of our locations last session – that’s over $300 bucks for 45 minutes of training!

Forty five minutes and $300 bucks – on a regular basis!

And that’s just one location!

Because of Joe, I’m following my passion and taking action!

Every single day.

My financial goal right now is $1000 a day.

I may have to raise my goal a bit!

And I only work about 20 hours a week!

And then there’s my work with Joe.

I’m working with him too at

Yep, Dr. Joe Vitale.

The marketing king of the jungle with a ferocious desire to help you succeed!

I’m succeeding with Dr. Vitale’s help.

I have the top fitness professionals in the world calling me and emailing me.

They want to team up and have me help them ROCK the fitness industry, to “reframe” the industry and make money using new and creative marketing ideas while we are following our PASSION.

Passion is everything. Passion coupled with action is like a 160mph rollercoaster ride fueled by excitement of what unknown opportunity or success might be waiting to spring out behind the next hill or curve.

Passion without action is about as exciting as working for someone else helping them follow their passion.

Life is too short.

With Dr. Vitale’s help, I’ve changed my life and my business.

I was working for a major computer company a little over a year ago. I was working 12 hours days in a stressful, dog eat dog environment.

It was horrible.

What’s more, we had a 6 month old son with a major heart defect facing open heart surgery.

Vaughn, my son, had to have constant round the clock feedings to get his bodyweight up so that he could withstand the trauma of the surgery.

My wife and I were up every 2-3 hours.

This went on for the first 9 months of his life.

Day and night.

Vaughn’s surgery went without a hitch and now, he along with his 4 yr old brother, are happy and healthy.

His doctors said that his surgery was a miracle.

The doctors were expecting a real battle on that hospital operating table.

After all of that, I’m without a care in the world.

And maybe it’s why I love taking risks and challenges

I left the high tech job many, many months ago.

Now I only have one boss – my wife and she’s pretty easy to work for. J

I hang out with my sons, follow my fitness passion and live life to the fullest.

If I can do it, so can you.

There’s certainly nothing special about me.

Of course there will always be obstacles and the temptation to say”It’s just not a good time…”

But don’t kid yourself; you can start your body changing and life changing experience right now.

If you only take action.

We’ve got hundreds of people that have signed up for more information about .

But not all of them are taking action.

As a fitness professional, I see it as my job to convince you to take action.

Why? Because I love training and helping others and I know that when you do take action and start seeing and feeling the benefits of better health, you’ll be kicking yourself and saying “Why didn’t I do this a lot sooner?”

So, no, I don’t mind driving my point home.

You can start taking action by getting motivated. You can get motivated by reading inspirational stories, hanging around others that are doing the things that you would like to do, watching movies that inspire – the 1993 move “Rudy” is a great one.

If you’ve already seen it, see it again.

The tag line for the movie “Rudy” reads “When people say dreams don't come true, tell them about Rudy”

And of course the movie, “The Secret” ( has a life changing message.

I watch it regularly.

You can email me at with any questions or concerns that you may have.

You can visit the blog at
And look at all of the information there. There are inspiring stories from those that are already taking action and how it has already changed their lives.

Just do something.

I’ll wrap this up by letting you know that Joe lost 17 lbs over the course of his 12 week transformation!

He also got stronger. He built muscle.

Joe has sent in his EAS bodyforlife participant packet and is awaiting word for how he did.

Doesn’t matter.

He’s a champ anyway you slice it.

My 82 year old father was recently on location while we were filming an episode of

My dad watched as Joe pushed, jumped, sweated and pumped his way to a killer workout.

On the way home, Dad said he couldn’t believe the intensity in Joe’s effort.

It was obvious, my dad said, how badly Joe “wanted it”.

That’s what it boils down to.

To see all of this intensity and to discover Dr. Vitale’s marketing tips such as 5 things that you must do each day to market your business effectively, marketing strategies used by Bruce Barton, hard hitting questions and answers for those just starting out in internet marketing, fitness tips galore and much more in this 90 minute DVD, please go to: and subscribe to this ground breaking DVD of the month.

It’s one thing to read a book by an expert.

It’s a totally different experience to actually watch, as if you are really there, while Dr. Vitale and I bring this body and business life changing information to you, in your own home on DVD.

Where you can watch it over and over and get motivated and…

Take action!

Subscribe at

The 2nd round starts on November 1st.

Read all about “The Challenge” at

Someone is going to win $150, 000 worth of Dr. Vitale’s services.

Get going!


Scott (and Joe)

P.S. Don’t lose out on the free bonus eBook about Bruce Barton. Subscribe to the DVD of the month at and get it as a bonus.

P.P.S. Please forward this email to someone who needs a kick in the pants with their motivation, business growth and physical growth.

P.P.P.S. If you would like to buy just one DVD to check out what you’re missing, without subscribing go here ->

Copyright 2006. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Here's a link to view a short(30 seconds or so) introduction of DVD 2

Link ->

DVD 2 covers two different workouts on two different days.

These are workouts that you can do with minimal equipment.

We also discuss marketing, The Attractor Factor, Bruce Barton (advertising genius) and 5 things that you must do daily to grow your business.

Of course, there's much more in this 90 minute powerpacked DVD of the month!


Question from a participant:

"Scott, in YBBC video #1, you talked w/ Joe about water, sodium, etc.

As I come down the home strech into the last four weeks, I'm concerned with looking my best in the pics - What do I need to consider?

Obviously, I know that water weight loss is temporary, but why do some hardcore bodybuilders risk using powerful diuretics?

Should I switch to distilled water the last week before my pics?

Will a few pounds in water weight loss really affect the look and give me the "thin skin" vascular look I'm looking for?

How does one balance being dry and dehydrated and obtaining the "full muscle" pumped look at the same time? "

Thanks, Dave


Dave, good question! Water manipulation can be tricky.

Here's the "why" and "how" regarding water intake.

First off, this is just my opinion. It does not represent medical advice. Water intake is very important and should never be limited for long periods of time due to potential health hazards.

Use caution.

OK, let's get to it.

Water is commonly restricted the day before a physique contest or before important pictures are taken.

The reason is because water can make your body look "bloated" or "waterlogged" if too much water is taken in before the important event.

Water intake should be at least 1 gallon a day up until the day before the photo shoot for the competitors in the Challenge. You want to flush toxins and stay hydrated by drinking a gallon or more of water each day up until the day before the event.

Drinking lots of water (1+ gallons) can actually speed up your weight loss. So make sure you keep guzzling up until the day before the event.

The day before the pictures you might (notice the word might - Hey, I grew up in a family of attorney's) restrict your water intake to a half gallon.

The day of the photo shoot you might restrict your water to just wetting your mouth or taking sips of water (ice cubes are commonly used) until you have had your pics taken.

After the pics are taken, go back to normal drinking volume (Water drinking volume :)

You do not need to switch to distilled water which is basically "dead water". Continue drinking your regular water as it has, hopefully, minerals and other good stuff in it.

As far as sodium, try to limit sodium intake to 1000 mg or less during the last 4 days before the pics are taken.

Too much sodium (over 1000mg) will make you retain water (bloat).

Read the labels of your food to be accurate with this - do not guess.

You've worked too hard to simply guess.

Joe told me the last week of his body transformation how he never realized how much sodium food already has in it - much less processed foods.

Bottom line is make sure that you are lean enough first and foremost. This happens with diet and exercise.

The water and sodium manipulation represents only about 5% or so of the final results!

Hope this helps, Dave!

Good luck!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Amateurs tend to believe exercise is only for the young, and that it has little to do with success in the business world. Studies show this to be false. In the last 10 years, many companies have started corporate exercise programs and constructed workout facilities on company premises.

They know regular exercise is the single most significant aspect of good health, and good employee goes right to the bottom line.

Champions have known this for years. They tend to invest at least an hour per day, every day, in some form of physical activity. They usually select an activity they really enjoy to insure it will become a habit.

Amateurs spend more time watching their favorite sports heroes exercise than they do exercising themselves.

The cost of this inactive lifestyle is substantial, both physically and mentally.

Professional performers know a sound mind and body are one and the same, and treat their physically activity with the same intensity and priority as they do their work.

Amateurs see exercise as a chore; pros see it as a necessity for world-class performance."

Taken from the book "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of The World Class" by Steve Siebold

DVD 2 of will be shipping to the subscribers this week.

Want to save money and buy all 12 Marketing and Fitness DVD's with Dr. Joe Vitale and Scott York?

Go to this link and save -->

Here's what one person had to say about DVD 1:

"Scott -

I just finished watching the first two DVD's of 'Your Business Body' and they are awesome! I love the candid view of Joe's life and his thoughts! The way you torture (aka, train) him in his gym and grill him with marketing and business questions all at once is seriously priceless!

There is no doubt in my mind Joe is going to get in serious shape with your fast paced, NO BS workouts! I am impressed with how tough Joe is as well! He's the perfect client! He never says "No" or complains or whines. People can learn a ton here, not just in the business sense, but in how Joe is so dedicated and driven to be a success in all areas of life.

This is top notch, must have stuff that people need to experience!

Keep it coming because I'm looking forward to seeing more!!


Zach Even - Esh"

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Here's an inspiring email that I received from one of the participants of The Challenge ~

"This message is going out to you some female friends, family and associates who I think might really enjoy and benefit greatly from this info.

The guy putting out this great information is my personal fitness coach, Sincere Hogan (gotta love the name!), who I have been working with for just about a month now, but he and his teachings have made a HUGE Impact on me (and my body!) already!

After about 4 years of not working out regularly and letting my eating habits really become far from ideal (as I sit in front of my computer working from home), my body was starting to show the signs of neglect and bottom line I just FELT like crap!

The 'final straw' for me was when I recently decided to help start-up an Aussie Rules Football Team here in Houston ( ), and when I took the field to play I could hardly run after the ball without feeling like I was going to fall over and pass out!

At 35, that was pitiful I thought and FELT! I drew the proverbial 'line in the sand' right there, and said, "That's It, NEVER AGAIN will I neglect my body and fitness, it's time to look and feel great again, and make it a lifestyle!'

Next thing I did was LOOK for a Solution to my problem, and I did not want to just start going back to the gym again, as I just could not get motivated to go lift weights in the same old boring gym, and I knew there had to be something out there that I could be excited about doing!?

That answer came in two ways..

1) Joe Vitale (famous and very successful internet marketer) and Scott York (a personal trainer and fitness expert in Austin, Texas), who started the challenge, which I have entered into and plan on being the Grand Champion winner of!

2) Sincere Hogan, who was recommended to me by Scott York, who has the most fun, effective, affordable, and challenging program in Houston.

Sincere's approach to fitness is really cool, and so much fun, his philosophy is based around...Who needs a boring, stuffy, sweaty gym full of people running around from machine-to-machine and on contraptions that have them looking like a hamster spinning on a wheel, get OUTDOORS and have FUN while getting in the best shape of your life! By the way...I will be documenting this whole experience on a blog which will be started this week at

Sincere runs an outdoors fit camp ( ) here in Houston at a beautiful park, and I have lost weight, and inches and added some nice lean muscle already in under a month of attending his fit camp workouts, I FEEL great, my clotes are looking and fitting so much better on me, and for the first time in a LONG time I actually am excited about exercising, I actually look forward to going to these sessions!! ;)

Just this past weekend in LA at I was attending a business function ( ) and numerous people commented how I looked fit and trim, and asked what I had been doing? ; that was pretty cool! ;)

If you are in Houston, check out his fit camp, it is the most FUN you will ever have while you transform yourself into a fit toned, s.exy, femme fatale!

If you are not in Houston, subscribe to Sincere's Fit Femmes newsletter to get some great info from him. And if you are ready to look and feel great and have FUN doing it, do a Google search for a fit camp/outdoor fitness workout /bootcamp in your area!

Enjoy the info, To Your HEALTHY SUCCESS! "

- Jared

Wow! Thanks, Jared (and Sincere)!

- Scott

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I had a great question from Dave.

Here it is:

Question - "Scott - what has been your "best" or "favorite" marketing tip from Mr. Fire?

BTW - since beginning to read "customer born every minute" - I've had a number of great ideas that I'm implementing in my payroll business - including applying for a "Guiness World Record" attempt - I'll keep you posted - but save some for the contest essay."
- Dave

Answer - I knew it was just a matter of time before someone asked me this!

Afterall, I get to spend part of an afternoon with Dr. Vitale each Saturday training and filming him for our DVD of the month!

You can bet that I have learned tons!

As a result, I've had so many opportunities come my way that I'm learning more and more about BALANCE.

I need to do a better job of balancing my time.

It's a good problem to have.

Anyway, the answer to the question is as follows.

1) Life is a moving parade. You must constantly share what it is you do with your audience, your customers and the people with whom you come into contact with. No one is standing still waiting for you to deliver your "elevator speech".

2) Your customer base constantly changes. Adjust and repeat your message accordingly.

3) Stand apart from your competition.

4) Work with others to achieve. Help them achieve and they will help you achieve. Ask them "How are you smart"? What is their talent? Power in numbers.

These are just some very brief lessons that I've learned from Dr. Vitale.

Hope they help you in some way.

Thanks for the question, Dave!


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today's question is about combining strength / weight training with aerobic exercise.

"- Is there such thing as "too much" aerobic exercise when trying to lose fat? I feel like I've got a lot of fat to lose, and need to incorporate aerobic activity to keep improving my cardiovascular fitness, and burn up some calories.

I'm not just jumping into this - I've been a long time jogger, averaging 18-20 miles a week for the past several years, and ran a couple marthons about 5 years ago... but with the yourbusinessbody challenge, I'm stepping up the intensity and consistancy.

As stated before, my primary goal is to lose fat, maintain / muscle mass.... I know the muscle will show when I strip off the excess fat.

I enjoy both weight training and aerobic exercise like running. Currently on a "Push - pull" routine split is -1) back/ biceps, 2) chest, shoulders, triceps 3) Legs - Abs are done on non-weight training days. I also practice Karate two days a week.

A little more background - 35 year old male - 230 pounds at about 24.5% bodyfat (according to Tanita Bodyfat scale,% confirmed by trainer). I consider myself healthy and have no joint/ knee problems, aside from some back injuries some time ago.

Mon: 6:00 am: 1/2 mile warm up - 2.5 miles "Fast" - 7:00 / mile pace - total run is 22:00 - heart rate tops at 175 bpm - (95% effort) - followed by 40 minutes weightlifting.

Tue 6:00 am - 6 miles easy - 9 -10/ min/mile pace - Abs

wed 6:00 am 1/2 mile warm up - 2.5 miles "Fast" - 7:00 / mile pace - total run is 22:00 - heart rate tops at 175 bpm - (95% effort) followed by 40 minutes weightlifting.

Evening: Karate 1.5 hrs -

THur 6:00 am 6 miles easy - 9 -10/ min/mile pace - Abs

Fri 6:00 am 1/2 mile warm up - 2.5 miles "Fast" - 7:00 / mile pace - total run is 22:00 - heart rate tops at 175 bpm - (95% effort)followed by 40 minutes weightlifting.

Sat 6:00 am - 6-8 miles - "tempo" run at 8:00/mile pace - Afternoon - Karate 1.5 hours

Sun - long walk, rest, no weights, no karate, no running. Definitely stretching.

I know diet is a key component, and I'll start a diary and will share it later.

My fat loss has been slow and steady - over the month of August I dropped 6.5 pounds of fat - but I feel a bit disappointed - I wanted to drop 10-12.

Should I reduce calories or increase aerobics? How much is too much aerobic exercise when "cutting" for a contest?

ps. This contest is helping me get very clear on my business goals too - I'm looking at my business in new ways - and am very excited about the changes occuring in my business too!"
- Dave

Answer: First of all, congratulations on your weight loss, Dave!

6 1/2 lbs in a month is nothing to be disappointed about.

In fact, if one is doing it right (weight loss) expect to lose 4-8 lbs each month and no more (8lbs being extreme after you've been dieting for a couple of months).

After reading your current workout program, here is my advice:

Do the weight training before the cardio.

The purpose of cardio after weights is that you'll have more energy for the weights if you hit them first.

After the weight training you will have depleted most of your glycogen stores and therefore you should be able to burn a higher number of calories from fat while performing the cardio (30-40 minutes maximum for each cardio


Ultimate fat loss comes from an increase in LBM, and as a result, an increase in your metabolism.

This means you'll be burning more calories 24 hours per day. Bigger muscles burn more calories.

As far as reducing calories - you want to eat as much as you can but not more than you need.

The easy way to do this is to calculate your food intake for 3 - 5 days. Add up the total number of calories and then divide by the number of days.

Example - you eat 2000 calories on day 1, 1800 calories on day 2, 22oo calories on day 3.

Divide by 3 and you get 1800 calories . In this basic example, your average caloric intake would be 1800 calories.

The next step is to subtract say, 30o calories a day for a couple of weeks to encourage fat loss.

Note - try to keep your body guessing by dropping 200 one day, 3oo another day and 400 on day 3.

Drop the most calories (400 in this example) on your non workout days.

I would recommend these two suggestions (lift weights before cardio and, secondly, averaging and subtracting calories) to get the most out of your fitness program!

Good luck, Dave!


Saturday, September 02, 2006

Today's workout:

Time to complete: 31 minutes

Calories burned: 404



2 rounds of:

Ring rows x20 reps
Keg overhead squats x 20 reps
DB curls x 20 reps
Kettlebell swings x 20 reps
Pushup bars x 20 reps
Run 1/4 mile

Simple, effective, feel great!

Have a safe and happy Holiday Weekend!

Email me if you have any questions about this workout, etc.


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