Wednesday, September 20, 2006

"Amateurs tend to believe exercise is only for the young, and that it has little to do with success in the business world. Studies show this to be false. In the last 10 years, many companies have started corporate exercise programs and constructed workout facilities on company premises.

They know regular exercise is the single most significant aspect of good health, and good employee goes right to the bottom line.

Champions have known this for years. They tend to invest at least an hour per day, every day, in some form of physical activity. They usually select an activity they really enjoy to insure it will become a habit.

Amateurs spend more time watching their favorite sports heroes exercise than they do exercising themselves.

The cost of this inactive lifestyle is substantial, both physically and mentally.

Professional performers know a sound mind and body are one and the same, and treat their physically activity with the same intensity and priority as they do their work.

Amateurs see exercise as a chore; pros see it as a necessity for world-class performance."

Taken from the book "177 Mental Toughness Secrets of The World Class" by Steve Siebold

DVD 2 of will be shipping to the subscribers this week.

Want to save money and buy all 12 Marketing and Fitness DVD's with Dr. Joe Vitale and Scott York?

Go to this link and save -->

Here's what one person had to say about DVD 1:

"Scott -

I just finished watching the first two DVD's of 'Your Business Body' and they are awesome! I love the candid view of Joe's life and his thoughts! The way you torture (aka, train) him in his gym and grill him with marketing and business questions all at once is seriously priceless!

There is no doubt in my mind Joe is going to get in serious shape with your fast paced, NO BS workouts! I am impressed with how tough Joe is as well! He's the perfect client! He never says "No" or complains or whines. People can learn a ton here, not just in the business sense, but in how Joe is so dedicated and driven to be a success in all areas of life.

This is top notch, must have stuff that people need to experience!

Keep it coming because I'm looking forward to seeing more!!


Zach Even - Esh"

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