Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Question from a YourBusinessBody.com participant:

"Scott, in YBBC video #1, you talked w/ Joe about water, sodium, etc.

As I come down the home strech into the last four weeks, I'm concerned with looking my best in the pics - What do I need to consider?

Obviously, I know that water weight loss is temporary, but why do some hardcore bodybuilders risk using powerful diuretics?

Should I switch to distilled water the last week before my pics?

Will a few pounds in water weight loss really affect the look and give me the "thin skin" vascular look I'm looking for?

How does one balance being dry and dehydrated and obtaining the "full muscle" pumped look at the same time? "

Thanks, Dave


Dave, good question! Water manipulation can be tricky.

Here's the "why" and "how" regarding water intake.

First off, this is just my opinion. It does not represent medical advice. Water intake is very important and should never be limited for long periods of time due to potential health hazards.

Use caution.

OK, let's get to it.

Water is commonly restricted the day before a physique contest or before important pictures are taken.

The reason is because water can make your body look "bloated" or "waterlogged" if too much water is taken in before the important event.

Water intake should be at least 1 gallon a day up until the day before the photo shoot for the competitors in the YourBusinessBody.com Challenge. You want to flush toxins and stay hydrated by drinking a gallon or more of water each day up until the day before the event.

Drinking lots of water (1+ gallons) can actually speed up your weight loss. So make sure you keep guzzling up until the day before the event.

The day before the pictures you might (notice the word might - Hey, I grew up in a family of attorney's) restrict your water intake to a half gallon.

The day of the photo shoot you might restrict your water to just wetting your mouth or taking sips of water (ice cubes are commonly used) until you have had your pics taken.

After the pics are taken, go back to normal drinking volume (Water drinking volume :)

You do not need to switch to distilled water which is basically "dead water". Continue drinking your regular water as it has, hopefully, minerals and other good stuff in it.

As far as sodium, try to limit sodium intake to 1000 mg or less during the last 4 days before the pics are taken.

Too much sodium (over 1000mg) will make you retain water (bloat).

Read the labels of your food to be accurate with this - do not guess.

You've worked too hard to simply guess.

Joe told me the last week of his body transformation how he never realized how much sodium food already has in it - much less processed foods.

Bottom line is make sure that you are lean enough first and foremost. This happens with diet and exercise.

The water and sodium manipulation represents only about 5% or so of the final results!

Hope this helps, Dave!

Good luck!


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