Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I had a great question from Dave.

Here it is:

Question - "Scott - what has been your "best" or "favorite" marketing tip from Mr. Fire?

BTW - since beginning to read "customer born every minute" - I've had a number of great ideas that I'm implementing in my payroll business - including applying for a "Guiness World Record" attempt - I'll keep you posted - but save some for the contest essay."
- Dave

Answer - I knew it was just a matter of time before someone asked me this!

Afterall, I get to spend part of an afternoon with Dr. Vitale each Saturday training and filming him for our YourBusinessBody.com DVD of the month!

You can bet that I have learned tons!

As a result, I've had so many opportunities come my way that I'm learning more and more about BALANCE.

I need to do a better job of balancing my time.

It's a good problem to have.

Anyway, the answer to the question is as follows.

1) Life is a moving parade. You must constantly share what it is you do with your audience, your customers and the people with whom you come into contact with. No one is standing still waiting for you to deliver your "elevator speech".

2) Your customer base constantly changes. Adjust and repeat your message accordingly.

3) Stand apart from your competition.

4) Work with others to achieve. Help them achieve and they will help you achieve. Ask them "How are you smart"? What is their talent? Power in numbers.

These are just some very brief lessons that I've learned from Dr. Vitale.

Hope they help you in some way.

Thanks for the question, Dave!


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