Friday, July 28, 2006

The Voice or the Force. Which One Guides You?

I just finished my workout.


It's hot.

I live in Texas and it's 1pm.

Here is what I did.

Warmup (light stretching)


3 rounds or circuits consisting of

Ring rows x 20 full reps
Kettlebell swings x 20 full reps
Barbell Squats x 20 full reps
Ring flyes x 20 reps
Dips x 20 reps
"The Hill"- I'll explain this one another time.

Each round took me about 5 minutes and I rested for 3 minutes between rounds.

My 1 1/2 year old was napping while I did this workout.

The entire workout I had a voice in my head gently telling me things like:

"It's too hot."

"Don't workout so hard"

"Do it later"

"Was that Vaughn (my son) crying over the monitor?"

"Go inside and check"

I listened to "the voice" each time as I pumped, swung, squatted, ran, and rested.

I considered what "the voice" was telling me.

But then "the force" made itself heard.

"The force" is more powerful than "the voice".

"The force" will kick the #$*& out of "the voice" each and every time.

What is "the force"?

I like to think of it as that inner fire that each of us have inside of ourselves.

For some it's glowing red hot.

For others, it's simply a small flame.

Encourage it, depend upon it and it is the reason that you will finish your workouts, your projects, achieve your goals, improve your mind and your body.

It's why I call my fitness company FullForceFitness! (


P.S. Have you entered the challenge yet? What are you waiting for?
There's a prize package of over $150,000.00 that someone will win!
Will it be you?

The voice? Or the Force?

Rock on Scott!

The force. Yes what a powerful thing it is. That voice...The dark side of the force. It's way too strong in many people. But it can be conquered and will when people follow the advice of yourself and Dr. Joe Vitale.

Way to harness the good side of the force! It is the place where all of our dreams become reality.

Thank you to you and Dr. Vitale for putting together what appears to be one of the greatest products that I have ever come across.

Scott Tousignant
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