Friday, August 25, 2006

Questions and Answers:


"Scott -
Here's a few questions to keep the blog posts rolling:

1) Do I need to count calories? I'm primarily concerned with losing fat without loss of the muscle I do have.

2) Do I need to take any nutritional supplements? I currently take a good multi-viatimin and fish oil each day. But should I add protein powders, shakes, other supplements, and what do you recommend as "biggest bang for the buck"

Thanks -




Thanks for your questions!

1) Regarding counting calories. Most people, in my experience, tend to underestimate the number of calories that they eat. For this reason, I think that it is a good idea to count your calories in the beginning of your weightloss program.

There are numerous free websites that will assist with this.
Here's a link to one that I have used ->

I also use the book "The Complete Book of Food Counts" by Corinne Netzer to find food values.

If you google "calories in food" or "food counts", I'm sure there are free websites that will help you find how many calories are in specific foods.

I like to eat normally (don't diet) for 3 days. Add up the calories over the 3 day period and then divide by 3.

For example: If one ate 2000 calories on Day 1, 25oo calories on Day 2 and 3000 calories on Day 3 the average would be 2500 calories.

The last step is to deduct 500 calories from that 2500 average (a pound of fat equals 35oo calories). In theory, you should lose a pound of fat just by deducting the 5oo calories each day.

Of course, you should still workout. This will speed up the fat loss, build lean tissue, crank up the metabolism, etc.

Summary - count calories for a few days. Establish a baseline. Deduct 500 calories from that baseline.

2) Supplements:

I'll tell you what I like to do.

I use minimal supplements.

I use a vitamin/mineral capsule and a protein supplement each day.

Vit C, Vit E, fish oil, creatine, Glutamine all get high marks but I don't use them all of the time.

If I had to recommend a protein powder, I would choose "Muscle Milk" by Cytosport.

It tastes great. It has a great nutritional profile. It mixes with water easily.

Find it at your local supplement store or go to

Thanks, Dave!

Good luck!


P.S. We'll (Dr. Joe Vitale and I) will be hosting a teleconference call about The Challenge soon. Details on the way!

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